Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Technologia virumque cano

Well they said blog about technology.
for me it is a tool to get something done with. I'm not old enough to remember ENIAC but pretty close. I do remember in my firstcollege computer class, typing my assignments in APL on a keyboard hardwired into an IBM 370 in the next building (fall semester 1971). It has helped me do my job better and helped me in other areas. I especially like email because i've managed to stay in touch with old and far away friends that way. One surprised me by addressing me in a message with the title of this blog. In one job I was the computer expert. How this happpened was the REAL expert got promoted into a major tech job (if they wrote the job requirements any more specifically they would have had to put in his name). The boss then turned to me and said "You are now the computer expert." I scared myelf one day when explaining some tech point to a customer. I almost convinced myself I knew what I was talking about.

Friday, August 25, 2006


My first question was how is flickr pronounced. Is it flicker or is it flick r? I would tend towards the first because it brings up a theme song; (they call it flicker! flicker! faster than lightning) If you are old enough you'll understand that. The second pronunciation was spoken by the resident computer genius at my house.

Well I just uploaded an image. Interesting, I really don't follow baseball that much BUT after seeing an image of the Pinstripe Palace last night, I thought this would be a good subject for a member of the Red Sox Nation.

"Flick!" the title of this post, is a command given to a Searchlight Battery conducting an illumination mission and is equivalent to the command "Fire!" given to a Cannon Battery.


PS after I published this, i realized i hadn't given credit where credit was due. So here's to ally85 for the picture.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

And so we begin

I am joining the throng now taking part in PLCMC's Library 2.0 learning program.
I never could keep a journal going so let's see how long I stick with this